
Sağlıklı Kedilerde Duvara Monta Ve Mobil Cihaz Ile Ölçülen Kan Basıncı Değerlerinin Karşılaştırılması

Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi dergisi/Erciyes üniversitesi veteriner fakültesi dergisi(2022)

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This study was aimed to determine the possible differences between two different oscillometric devices measured blood pressure. Additionally, it was carried out to determine the range levels of blood pressure measured in healthy cats admitted to a small animal clinic. In different breeds, healthy 50 cats, the median age was 8.75 months, and ranged between 3 to 36 months) were included in this study. Blood pressure values and pulse measurements of the cats were measured using the wall mounted (WMD) and mobile (MD) BP monitors. BP measurements were taken from the right front leg, arteria radialis on the mid of the antebrachium and tail root over the arteria coccygea medialis on the median line. Mean SBP measurements taken from right forelimb (135.90±16.34 mmHg) and tail (145.32±21.20 mmHg) by WMD were statistically different (P=0.020). Mean DBP (mmHg), MAP (mmHg) and Pulse (bpm) measurements were not different on different sites by each device (P>0.05). Mean SBP, DBP, MAP and pulse values of the right front forelimb using the mobile device were 136.10±16.37 mmHg, 83.74±17.0, 101.62±16.13 mmHg and 167 (134-227) bpm respectively. As a result, oscillometric blood pressure mobile devices and wall-mounted devices are compatible and can be used interchangeably in measuring the blood pressure in healthy cats. It is recommended to use the right forelimb for measuring blood pressure in cats. The reference ranges derived from in this study can be used by veterinary clinicians or technicians.
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