
A methodology for designing knowledge-based systems and applications

Applications of Computational Intelligence in Multi-Disciplinary Research(2022)

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A computer program helps to store, manage, and solve problems on data, information, and knowledge. Knowledge refers to a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. Nowadays, problem-solving based on knowledge is very necessary. An intelligent system with a knowledge base can potentially be applied in the real world. Moreover, it also has the ability to reason for solving some abstract and complex problems. A knowledge-based system is an intelligent system using a knowledge base to solve problems. This system has many applications in practical domains, such as intelligent systems supporting learning, healthcare; and e-commerce; and decision support systems and consultant systems for designing in architecture and planning. In this chapter, we present a method to build a knowledge-based system. The built system has two distinguishing features: a knowledge base and an inference engine. This chapter also proposes the processes for constructing the components of the system. These processes help to build a knowledge-based system that can meet the requirements to be applied in practice. The proposed method has been applied to design some real-world applications in education and architecture. Firstly, it is applied to design an intelligent problem solver for high school solid geometry problems. This system can represent more than 80% of the quantity of knowledge collected from the contents of that course. It can solve geometric exercises automatically. The reasoning of this system simulates human reasoning and gets step-by-step solutions, which are suitable to the learning of students. Secondly, the designed method is applied to build a consultancy system for the designing of housing architecture based on the regulations of architecture and construction. This system can organize almost all basic rules in Vietnamese regulations for housing architecture. It is implemented and tested on three kinds of housing architecture in a city.
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