Anabolic Activity of Leuzea and Cranberry Meal Plant Extracts Composition

Daria A. Khalikova, Sergey V. Ankov, Julia V. Meshkova,Tatiana G. Tolstikova

Sibirskij naučnyj medicinskij žurnal(2021)

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Еhe anabolic properties of a new composition of leuzea and cranberry meal extracts in a ratio of 7:50, containing ecdisten and ursolic acid, respectively, have been investigates on a model of isolated overload of the skeletal muscle of the rats leg by the method of excision. Material and methods. The experiment was conducted on Wistar stock rats of both sexes weighing 220–250 g. At the beginning of the experiment, all animals underwent musculus gastrocnemius tenotomy (m.gastrocnemius), and then the composition has been intragastrically administered for 14 days. At the end of the experiment, the rats were decapitated, blood was taken to determine biochemical parameters (creatine phosphokinase activity, glucose and lactate level) and muscles from both legs were separated to determine the difference between the mass of the musculus soleus (m. soleus) operated on and the mass m.soleus of a non-operated paw. Results and discussion. A dose-dependent anabolic effect was established for the composition of leuzea and cranberry meal extracts. A gender difference was found, which was confirmed by the obtained values of creatine phosphokinase activity and glucose/lactate ratio. Conclusions. The composition of leuzea and cranberry meal extracts exhibits a dose-dependent anabolic effect in males and increase physical endurance in female rats on the model of isolated overload of the skeletal muscle of the leg of rats with tenotomy operation.
leuzea extract,cranberry meal,composition,hypertrophy,muscle
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