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IInvestigation of Ash Wood During Treatment with Fire-Protective Agent DSA

Problemi nadzvičajnih situacìj(2021)

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Experimental studies of fire-retardant efficacy of DSA for ash wood have been carried out. The dependence of fire-retardant efficiency on the mass of dry agent is obtained, which is important when treating ash wood with DSA. The influence of wood characteristics of different species on the effectiveness of fire-retardant impregnating agents on the example of ash and DSA has been studied. It is established that the standard method of research of fire protection efficiency using only pine cannot provide fair data on the effectiveness of the tool to other wood species. Yes, according to the instructions of the test agent, 3 applications are required, but for ash to achieve the first group of fire-retardant effectiveness required 6 applications. The obtained dependence of the weight loss of the treated wood sample on the amount of fire-retardant composition in standard tests provides the possibility of engineering, economic and other calculations when performing work on fire protection. The standard method of research of fire-retardant efficiency with use of pine exclusively is checked. It is determined that standard test methods cannot be objective when processing species other than pine. Especially useful for the study is the dependence of the weight loss of the treated wood sample on the amount of fire-retardant composition in standard tests, the influence of wood of different species on the effectiveness of fire-retardant impregnating agents such as ash and DSA. The standard method of research of fire-retardant efficiency with use of pine exclusively is checked. Can it be used in the case of ash wood processing. Thus, according to the instructions of the tested tool, 3 applications are required. Ash wood has a higher specific weight than pine, so to make a sufficient amount of active substance is a more difficult task.
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