
Abstract TP30: Retention and Trial Coordinator Outreach in A Multicenter Clinical Trial During Covid 19


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Introduction: Human subjects research requires the retention of enrolled patients in order to provide accurate data. The COVID-19 pandemic introduced unique challenges for clinical trial coordination. AtRial Cardiopathy and Antithrombotic Drugs in Prevention After Cryptogenic Stroke (ARCADIA) is an NIH StrokeNet national clinical trial designed to test superiority of apixaban over aspirin for secondary stroke prevention in patients with cryptogenic stroke and atrial cardiopathy. We sought to explore the methods that allowed our site to maintain a high retention rate in our local ARCADIA population. Methods: Prior to COVID-19, our trial coordinator (JP), conducted home visits to enroll and complete study visits every 3 months for the first year. This was approved by our local institution, IRB and study sponsor. During COVID-19 precautions, phone contact was maintained and encouraged. Face-to-face visits were not possible, but our coordinator continued to deliver study drug while maintaining distancing precautions. This was followed by a phone call to remind patients of drug instructions and dosages, and inquiring about any adverse events that may have occurred since the last visit. We evaluated the number of follow up visits before and during the COVID lockdown (March through June 2020). Results: Enrollments decreased during the pandemic, in large part due to a study-wide pause in recruitment efforts. The median monthly follow-up prior to COVID-19 was 3, and increased to 5 during lockdown. Before, during and after COVID, our local retention rate has remained 100%. Conclusions: In conclusion, despite complicating factors of COVID-19, our local coordinator’s retention rate remained 100% during the COVID-19 pandemic and our median number of monthly follow up visits increased, which may be attributable to our coordinator’s efforts of socially distanced home visits and frequent communication.
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