Self-organization and surface properties of hBest1 in models of biological membranes.

Advances in colloid and interface science(2022)

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The transmembrane Ca2+ - activated Cl- channel - human bestrophin-1 (hBest1) is expressed in retinal pigment epithelium and mutations of BEST1 gene cause ocular degenerative diseases colectivelly referred to as "bestrophinopathies". A large number of genetical, biochemical, biophysical and molecular biological studies have been performed to understand the relationship between structure and function of the hBest1 protein and its pathophysiological significance. Here, we review the current understanding of hBest1 surface organization, interactions with membrane lipids in model membranes, and its association with microdomains of cellular membranes. These highlights are significant for modulation of channel activity in cells.
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