Human Body Pose Estimation and Applications
2021 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT)(2021)
Human Pose Estimation is one of the challenging yet broadly researched areas. Pose estimation is required in applications that include human activity detection, fall detection, motion capture in AR/VR, etc. Nevertheless, images and videos are required for every application that captures images using a standard RGB camera, without any external devices. This paper presents a real-time approach for sign language detection and recognition in videos using the Holistic pose estimation method of MediaPipe. This Holistic framework detects the movements of multiple modalities-facial expression, hand gesture and body pose, which is the best for the sign language recognition model. The experiment conducted includes five different signers, signing ten distinct words in a natural background. Two signs, “blank” and “sad,” were best recognized by the model.
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2D pose estimation,3D pose estimation,body modelling,sign language recognition,MediaPipe,Holistic Pipeline estimation
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