
First Molecular and Functional Characterisation of Ferritin 2 Proteins from Ornithodoros Argasid Ticks

Ana Oleaga, Sergio Gonzalez-Perez,Ricardo Perez-Sanchez

Veterinary parasitology(2022)

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Ferritins are iron-binding proteins that play critical functions in iron metabolism. Tick ferritins are essential in blood feeding, reproduction, iron transport, and protection of ticks from the iron-mediated oxidative stress during blood feeding and digestion. In ixodids, ferritin 2 (Fer2) is responsible for iron transport into peripheral tissues, it is critically involved in tick reproduction and has been identified as a good candidate antigen to be included in anti-tick vaccines. In argasids, information on the molecular and functional characteristics of ferritins is almost nonexistent. Given the potential of ixodid Fer2 as a vaccine target, the aim of the current study was to characterise the Fer2 orthologues in Ornithodoros erraticus (OEFer2) and O. moubata (OMFer2), including functional analyses by RNAi gene knockdown and the assessment of the protective efficacy of recombinant Fer2 protein in an animal vaccination trials. Characterisation and analysis of the OMFer2 and OEFer2 amino acid sequences showed high similarity to each other, and high similarity to the Fer2 sequences of ixodid species as well, confirming that Fer2 is highly conserved between both tick families and suggesting a similar function in the physiology of both argasid and ixodid ticks. Fer2 gene knockdown in O. moubata reduced egg hatchability rate and the subsequent number of emerging nymphs-1 up to 71%. Conversely, Fer2 gene knockdown in O. erraticus did not affect the treated ticks even though the Fer2 mRNA expression level was reduced by 90%. The recombinant form of O. moubata Fer2 (tOMFer2) was highly immunogenic and induced strong humoral responses when administered to rabbits formulated with Montanide adjuvant. The protective effect of the anti-tOMFer2 response was limited. While in O. erraticus, we did not observe any protective effect, in O. moubata it induced a significant reduction in oviposition without affecting the other parameters analysed. Accordingly, Fer2 seems to be involved in O. moubata embryogenesis. This study provides the first data on the molecular and functional characterisation of Fer2 in soft tick species and paves the way for further studies aimed at unveiling the functional aspects of Fer2 in soft ticks and confirming its potential as a vaccine candidate antigen.
Tick,Argasid,Ornithodoros,Ferritin 2,Vaccine,Gene knockdown
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