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Peçeli baykuşlarda (Tyto alba) Glandula Uropygialis’in Morfolojik ve Histolojik Analizi

Journal of Research in Veterinary Medicine(2020)

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The glandula uropygialis (uropygial gland) is a holocrine sebaceous gland of the skin in birds. This study was carried out to determine the morphological and histological structure of the uropygial gland in male barn owls (Tyto alba). In this study, four adult male barn owl materials were used. The glands in the tail area of the birds were dissected and separated from the body. Morphometric examinations were made of the glands. Tissue sections were stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) and Masson Trichrome methods to reveal the histological structure of the gland. The stained sections were examined with by light microscope. In topographical examination, it was determined that the gland was located in the caudal of the synsacrum, above the tail vertebrae. The average weight of the gland was found 0.493 ± 0.02 g, and the relative index value (ratio of gland weight to body weight) was found 0.10 ± 0.01. In histomorphological examination, it was seen that each lobe was externally surrounded by connective tissue. The lobes consisted of sequentially lined tubulo-alveolar glands. The glands were separated by a thin connective tissue. There were blood vessels in the connective tissue between the glands. The glands consisted of 3 different regions that differ in shape and cell sequence to throught from the cranial to the caudal end. As a result, the morphological and histological structure of the barn owl uropygial gland was similar to many other poultry animals reported in the literature, despite some structural differences.
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Key words
uropygial gland,barn owls
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