Determination and benchmarking of 27 Al(d,α) and 27 Al(d,p) reaction cross sections for energies and angles relevant to NRA

Scientific Reports(2021)

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The cross-sections of deuteron-induced nuclear reactions suitable for ion beam analysis, measured in different laboratories, are often significantly different. In the present work, differential cross-sections of 27 Al(d,p) and 27 Al(d,α) reactions were measured, and the cross sections benchmarked with thick target spectra obtained from pure aluminium for the first time in two independent laboratories. The 27 Al(d,p) and (d,α) differential cross-sections were measured between 1.4 and 2 MeV at scattering angles of 165°, 150°, and 135° in the VDGT laboratory in Tehran (Iran), and the same measurements for detector angle of 150° were repeated from scratch, including target making, with independent equipment on the SAFIR platform at INSP in Paris (France). The results of these two measurements at 150° are in good agreement, and for the first time a fitted function is proposed to describe the Al-cross sections for which no suitable theoretical expression exists. The obtained differential cross-sections were validated through benchmarking, by fitting with SIMNRA deuteron-induced particle spectra obtained from a high purity bulk Al target at both labs for deuteron incident energies between 1.6 and 2 MeV. The thick target spectra are well-reproduced. The evaluated and benchmarked cross sections have been uploaded to the ion beam analysis nuclear data library database (
Experimental nuclear physics,Nuclear physics,Science,Humanities and Social Sciences,multidisciplinary
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