Protective Effect of Antiparasitic Drug Against Oxidative Stress-Induced Alzheimer's Disease Experimentally

Samar Ali, Manal Emam, Mohamed Abdel-Daim,Alshaimaa Mohamed

African Journal of Biological Sciences(2021)

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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that usually starts slowly and worsens over time. Indeed, cognitive dysfunction, neuronal atrophy, and synaptic loss are associated with both AD and chronic stress. Ivermectin is commonly used in the treatment of different kinds of infections and infestations. So, this study aimed to evaluating the therapeutic effect of ivermectin at two different doses against oxidative stress induced Alzheimer disease in rats by aluminum chloride. Fifty rats were divided into 10 normal control (NC), 20 Alzheimer, and 20 Ivermectin (Iv) therapeutic groups. The antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities were assayed, and the oxidative stress marker, carbonyl protein was also determined in brain tissues. The results showed a significant reduction in activities of SOD and GPx, in addition to significant elevation in carbonyl protein level compared to NC group. While, administration of Iv to AD rats can improve the tested parameters compared to AD group. These results may indicate that Ivermectin can be used as a therapeutic candidate in Alzheimer disease which will need more studies to support that.
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