Diagnóstico da produção de morango em Santa Catarina em 2015

Revista Agropecuária Catarinense(2020)

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This study aimed to identify and quantify the cultivated area, number of families involved in the production and the quantity of strawberries produced in the state of Santa Catarina during 2015. The work included the survey and data collected in field, through the use of questionnaires which were answered by Epagri's extension officers. The six Mesoregions (IBGE) had strawberry plantation for commercial production and for their own consumption. All together, 725 families were involved in the commercial strawberry production. Approximately 9918 tons of strawberries were produced in 225,3ha. The crop has great potential for the high yields found as a result of the responses obtained in the questionnaire, with an estimated average of 35,6 to 38,6t ha-1 (IC=95%).The results obtained in 2015 were contrasted with data from the 2016-2017 harvest in some regions of the state, which show a decrease in the area (ha) of strawberry cultivation, but an increase in yields. In addition, more studies in this field could contribute to understand better how to enhance the strawberry production.
Fragaria x annanasa L.,cultivo comercial,rendimentos,agricultura familiar,potencialidade
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