A Review of Explicit Vocabulary Instructions for ESL Learners during COVID-19 Pandemic

Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)(2021)

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During COVID-19 pandemic, alternative learning arrangements have been applied and used, so that it is possible to perform distance learning. Teachers have typically changed their teaching practises from conventional classroom meetings to distance learning by using electronic equipment, either online or offline. Internet networks have been the cornerstone during this time, with the use of social media apps such as Whatsapp and Telegram, social networking sites such as Facebook Live and Instagram Live, and platforms for video conferencing such as Google Meet and Zoom. In order to deal with the COVID-19 period for the better, English language teaching has also improved. The learning of English vocabulary also tailored to accommodate for distance learning as the use of vocabulary for good communication in one's life is crucial, regardless of whether or not one is in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic. This paper systematically reviews previous research undertaken on explicit instructions for vocabulary and suggests a structure for discussing English vocabulary teaching strategies. In learning, teaching, and undertaking vocabulary studies, this analysis may have some theoretical consequences for learners, educators, and researchers.
explicit vocabulary instructions,esl learners
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