Radiografía de un castro de la Edad del Hierro: arqueología no invasiva en el asentamiento de Villasviejas del Tamuja (Botija, Cáceres)

Trabajos De Prehistoria(2019)

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The aim of this paper is to present the progress that has been made in the study of the hillfort of Villasviejas del Tamuja (Botija, in the province of Caceres), based on a combination of non-destructive techniques. The possibility of cross-referencing the results obtained with different geophysical methods (magnetometry, georadar and electric tomography) raises the opportunity to formulate a reliable diagnosis on the spatial organization of this site. The most relevant results are described, and their contribution to a general interpretation of the urban structure and morphology of domestic spaces is analyzed. This information is contrasted with previously available excavation data and its framing is analysed within the existing knowledge on this type of settlements. In addition, elements of interest about the diachronic evolution of the site are added, which are relevant in relation to the hypotheses formulated about the impact of the Roman conquest. Ultimately, the potential of this type of research strategy for the study and revaluation of large and complex archaeological zones is considered.
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Key words
edad del hierro,urbanismo protohistórico,métodos no destructivos,prospección geofísica,extremadura,península ibérica
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