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The quality of the patient-physician relationship affects the patient's compliance with the treatment and satisfaction with the interview. Szasz and Hollender (1956) described three types of patient-physician relationships. In the relationship based on activity-passivity, the physician is equipped with broad powers, regardless of the patient's consent. Relationship based on guidance-cooperation defines the relationship between the patient who is ready to apply the commands of the physician and the physician who offers his professional experience. Relationship based on mutual participation is the patient-physician relationship when the physician provides professional support for the individual to contribute to his or her health. Patient-physician relationship was modeled by Emanuel EJ and Emanuel LL (1992) with a four-component classification. The physician who adopts authoritarian attitude in the paternalistic model can ignore his patient's preferences. In the informative model, all the information about the situation is presented to the patient, the patient makes his own choice and the physician applies the selected medical intervention. In the interpretive model, the physician sets out the patient's expectation, while doing so, takes the patient's values as reference and shapes the treatment on this basis. In the deliberative model that encourages shared decision-making between the physician and the patient, the physician and the patient discuss mutually about what options the patient can choose during the treatment process and the path to be followed. It should not be forgotten that the type of relationship to be adopted in the clinical interview may vary depending on the condition of the patient and the nature of the disease.
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relationship,conceptual approach,patient-physician
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