A review of ethnobotany and ethnopharmacology of traditional medicines used by Q'eqchi' Maya Healers of Xna'ajeb' aj Ralch'o'och', Belize


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This review describes an Indigenous-led project run by Q'eqchi' Maya Healers of Belize meant to strengthen and improve traditional botanical healing. The goals of this project were to conserve medicinal plant knowledge by way of ethnobotanical studies, and to conserve the plants themselves by creating a community ethnobotanical garden. A total of 169 medicinal species were collected in the ethnobotanical survey, which provided unique knowledge on many rainforest species of the wet lowland forest of southern Belize, not found in neighbouring Indigenous cultures. Consensus on plant uses by the Healers was high, indicating a well-conserved, codified oral history. After horticultural experimentation by the Healers, the Indigenous botanical garden provided a habitat for and conservation of 102 medicinal species including many epiphytes that were rescued from forested areas. Ethnopharmacological studies by the university partners showed a pharmacological basis for, and active principles of, plants used for epilepsy and anxiety, for inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, for dermatological mycoses, and for type 2 diabetes complications. Overall, the project has provided a model for Indigenous empowerment and First Nation's science, as well as establishing traditional medicine as an important, unified healing practice that can safely and effectively provide primary health care in its cultural context.
ethnobotany,ethnopharmacology,Q'eqchi' Maya,Mesoamerican flora,Belize
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