Exploring the Probable Applications of Data Mining in the Field of Civil Engineering


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Data Mining (DM) is the practice of examining large pre-existing databases in order to generate new information. It is an advanced method for analyzing records from different parameters and processing them to useful data. Users may analyze documents from various groups and criteria to outline known relationships. Technically, DM is the method of finding correlations or styles between multiple fields in large relational databases. It enables users to review records from various data sources and parameters to summarize recognized relationships. Technically, DM is the method of finding correlations or styles in large relational databases between multiple fields. Data mining is certainly the method of finding valuable information from large data sets. It is the process by which various patterns from extensive data are discovered. The review of current databases produces useful knowledge and valuable information. Data mining studies are used in many engineering disciplines in the current scenario. This paper reflects the significance and application of data mining tools and their techniques in various fields of civil engineering through the available literature.
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Data mining, Construction management, Transportation engineering, Construction industry
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