Double Differential Neutron Emission Cross Section of (p,n) Reaction on Silver Isotopes Using 9, 11 and 13 MeV Protons

Nuclear Data for Science and Technology Research Reports in Physics(1992)

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Neutron emission spectra from (p,n) reactions on 107Ag and 109Ag in the incident energy range from 9 to 13 MeV were measured by means of time-of-flight technique at the HI-13 tandem Van de Graaff accelerator of Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing, China. The neutron emission spectra from (p,n) reaction were measured by TOF spectrometer with three liquid scintillation detectors in the angular range from 20 to 160 degree in steps of 10 degree. The emission spectra were converted into double differential neutron emission cross sections as a function of neutron energy in the center of mass system with the help of a computer code. The spectra were fitted using evaporation model of Weisskopf-Ewing. The comparison between experiment and theory is also presented.
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double differential neutron emission cross section,(p,n) reaction,Ag isotopes
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