Partial mitochondrial complex I inhibitors as disease‐modifying therapeutics for Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer's & Dementia(2020)

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Background Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) has no effective treatments, and recent clinical trials focused on prevention of amyloid beta (Ab) production have consistently failed. Alternative approaches are urgently needed. We developed small molecules partial mitochondrial complex I (MCI) inhibitors and demonstrated that their application prevents the development of cognitive and behavior phenotype, improves LTP, reduces oxidative stress and inflammation, and restores glucose uptake and utilization in the brain in mouse models of familial AD. Efficacy could be monitored in vivo using translational biomarkers FDG‐PET, 31 P NMR and blood biomarkers. Method We conducted extensive structure‐activity relationship (SAR) studies to characterize novel classes of compounds partial MCI inhibitors including a new lead compound C458. Target engagement, selectivity and specificity of new compounds were established using multiple in vitro and cellular assays including SPR, competitive and direct binding, proteomics and pull down experiments. Result We demonstrated that the lead C458 directly binds and competes with the FMN for binding to complex I. In primary neurons and mouse brain tissue, single dose administration of C458 activates AMPK‐a, autophagy, Sirtuins 1 and 3, and upregulate PGC‐1a leading to enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis. In vivo , chronic administration of C458 had no detectable toxicity at therapeutic doses. C458 has excellent oral bioavailability and blood–brain‐barrier penetration. C458 was remarkably clean in 250 kinase panel. Finally, in pre‐symptomatic APP/PS1 mice, treatment with C458 resulted in cognitive protection and improved long‐term potentiation after 6 months of chronic oral administration (25 mg/kg/day), decreased oxidative stress and inflammation. Furthermore, APP/PS1 mice treated with C458 showed a significant increase in metabolic rates and glucose brain uptake and utilization detected with translational FDG‐PET imaging as well as an enhancement of ATP production in the brain measured in vivo with 31 P NMR. Conclusion Mechanistic studies demonstrate that MCI inhibitors induce protective stress response increasing mitochondrial biogenesis and turnover, augmenting cellular energetics and the protection against oxidative stress, and engage other mechanisms that intersect with the pathways involved in longevity and health extension. Our studies demonstrate that modulation of MCI activity using novel FMN MCI inhibitors improves bioenergetics in the brain and averts cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s Disease representing novel therapeutic approach.
partial mitochondrial complex,alzheimers disease‐modifying,inhibitors
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