
Deoxygenation of Liquid Titanium with Aluminum Addition

Matsuwaka Daisuke, Kudo Fumiaki, Ishida Hitoshi, Deura Tetsushi

MATEC web of conferences(2020)

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To realize radical cost reduction of titanium, a process is needed which can directly make use of low quality material such as scrap, TiO2 or titanium ore. In this work, a highly efficient process has been developed to produce low oxygen titanium alloy using aluminum to rapidly reduce oxygen during melting. In this experiment titanium was prepared including 0.8 mass% oxygen. This titanium and aluminum in the range of 0 – 60 mass% was measured, mixed and melted by PAM (plasma arc melting) or ISM (induction skull melting). After melting, a small piece was taken and the aluminum and oxygen content was analyzed by ICP emission spectrometry and inert gas fusion-infrared absorption method respectively. A sample melted with CaO-CaF2 flux was analyzed as well after flux was mechanically taken off. As aluminum content increased, oxygen content decreased. For example, when 61.9 mass% aluminum was added, the oxygen content decreased to 0.028 mass% and Al2O3 was observed in the cross-section of the sample after melting. This was produced when the aluminum content increased and the oxygen solubility decreased in the metal. Flux addition was also clearly effective for deoxygenation.
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