Reflective medical electives in a developed country: Perspective of a final year student from a developing country

The British Student Doctor Journal(2020)

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The British Student Doctor Journal is a high quality, open access, biannual, peer-reviewed, general medical journal, which publishes articles written primarily by medical students. In addition to publishing original research and systematic reviews, we also provide a platform to medical students to express original thought and reflections on clinical practice, student life and medical education.All of our content is fully open access, available without subscription and with no authorship charges. All articles published in The British Student Doctor Journal go through a rigorous peer-review process, led by our student editorial team. The governance of the journal is overseen by our faculty advisory board, and we are published by Cardiff University Press and funded by Cardiff University School of Medicine.For more information, please visit our homepage at
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reflective medical electives,final year student,developed country
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