
Matrix Reference Materials Development for Food Safety Application in Philippine Products

Benilda Sacop Ebarvia, Sharlene Rayo Cabanilla,Aaron Cultivo Dacuya, Alma Bustamante Cruz,Alleni Biglete Tongson, Cyril Cabase Cortez,Kim Christopher Aganda,Natividad Ramos Mamplata

Acta IMEKO(2020)

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The development of RMs was pioneered in the Philippines by the Industrial Technology Development Institute (ITDI) - DOST as part of its vision to establish metrological traceability and support the RMs needs of chemical testing laboratories in the country. Food safety issues for chemical testing of Philippine products were prioritized in this activity as these could affect the health of consumers and trade issues. Reference methods used for the provision of reference value was developed and validated for contaminants like histamine and benzoic acid in canned tuna and mango juice respectively. The materials were prepared and characterized and found to be homogeneous and stable for at least six (6) months. The reference value assigned to these RMs was done using a higher order method like isotope dilution technique coupled with Liquid Chromatography-Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (LCMSMS). Results were also cross-checked using gravimetric technique for High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) analysis. Certified RMs purchased from Metrology Institutes were also used to further support traceability of measurements. Philippine product RMs were developed for histamine and benzoic acid. The measurement traceability was disseminated by ITDI to local testing laboratories through the Proficiency Test schemes organized and conducted for the said analytes.
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