
Assessing land consumption impact on ecosystem services provision: an insight on biophysical and economic dimension of loss of erosion control in Italy


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While much research addresses soil erosion rates and erosion control costs under different land use conditions, few studies address the issue of the impact due to land consumption. The study presents results from the national assessment of ecosystem services carried out by ISPRA in the framework of land consumption monitoring. The purpose is to provide information on the impact of land consumption and loss of benefits for the community to support land protection policies. The study is based on the high-resolution land cover products for Italy produced by ISPRA using data from the Copernicus-Land Monitoring Services programme. Accordingly with main research on the topic, RUSLE formula and transport function is adopted, applying InVEST model. The avoided erosion change between two reference years is assumed to represent the loss in erosion control service due to land consumption. The economic dimension is evaluated by cost of service replacement, with values available in literature applied to biophysical results. Inputs to the model are the two different land cover scenario for 2012 and 2018 available from ISPRA, while other parameters are derived from JRC studies. Results indicate that the land consumption growth in Italy between 2012 and 2018, evaluated in 31.500 ha is associated to an economic loss that is over 2,4 billion \euro/year, with erosion control accounting for an average value over 135 M\euro/year. The study demonstrates the importance of valuing erosion control to support a sustainable decision-making upon land use.
land consumption impact,ecosystem services provision,erosion control
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