Colas À Base De Cianoacrilato Como Método Auxiliar Na Cicatrização Tecidual: Uma Revisão De Literatura

Kimberllyn Santos Henrique, Helena Duarte Pedrosa, Livia Lima Cunha, Hellen Lopes Andrade, Letícia Santos Antunes, Luísa Resende Faber,Lia Vila Real Lima,Bruno Rocha Silva

Brazilian Journal of Health Review(2020)

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Cyanoacrylate adhesives were discovered in 1949, and, about ten years later, had their use documented in surgical procedures. However, little is known about the use of these in the healing process in the oral cavity. Thus, the objective of this study was to review the literature on the use of cyanoacrylate-based adhesives in wound coaptation compared to traditional methods. A bibliographic search was carried out, in which articles published from 2015 to 2020 were selected in the pubmed databases, in the English language, using the descriptors: cyanyacrylate and healing and dentistry. A total of 36 articles were obtained, among which, after a critical reading of abstracts and titles, 7 were selected to compose the present study. Analysis of the articles showed that cyanoacrylate tissue adhesives are liquid monomers that, in contact with the mucosa, create a strong and flexible film. In dentistry, cyanoacrylates have been used for tissue suture because they present advantages such as technical ease, reduction in surgical time and, because it is not necessary to introduce a Brazilian Journal of health Review Braz. J. Hea. Rev., Curitiba, v. 3, n. 3, p.5278-5289 may./jun. 2020. ISSN 2595-6825 5280 foreign substance into the body, it decreases the wound recovery time. Therefore, its use is avoided in high voltage areas. In conclusion, in vivo and clinical studies in recent years have shown convincing results regarding the safety, efficacy, and viability of all types of cyanoacrylate adhesives used in intra and extraoral procedures.
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