Neuroprotective, Behavioural and Biochemical Effects of Aqueous Crude Root Extract of Salacia reticulata on Aluminium Chloride Induced Damage in the Cerebral Cortex of Adult Male Wistar Rats

Acta Scientific Cancer Biology(2019)

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Heavy metals like aluminium chloride has proven to have an effect with learning, understanding, memory, concentration and decision making, which affect everyday life of people in urban areas.The study was designed to ascertain if Salacia reticulate can protect the neurons of the cerebral cortex, alleviate anxiety, as well as protect the liver.Twenty-five (25) male wistar rats were randomly selected and divided into five groups of five (5) animals each as follows: Group A: Normal control; Group B: Alcl 3 control; Group C: Alcl 3 + 250mg/kgbw salacia reticulata; Group D: Alcl 3 + 300mg/kgbw salacia reticulate; Group E: Alcl 3 + Vitamin E. The following tests were carried out: Y-Maze test, Liver enzymes test and histopathological test.The results from the Y-maze test showed decrease in the meantime taken by the animals to make alternations in the aluminium chloride treated group compared to the normal control group, implying that Alcl 3 induced anxiety.The meantime increased in groups treated with Salacia reticulata.Histological examination showed full neuronal damage in the Alcl 3 treated group only, partial restoration of cellular and neutrophil profile was seen in the low dose groups treated with Salacia reticulata, restoration of cellular and neutrophil profile was seen in groups treated with high doses of Salacia reticulata.In Alcl 3 treated group, AST, ALT, ALP increased rapidly, while in Salacia reticulata and vitamin E treated groups, the level of these enzymes where reduced.From the results obtained, Aqueous Crude Root Extract of Salacia reticulata has Neuroprotective properties, it is capable of alleviating anxiety and stabilizing liver enzymes.The cerebral cortex is a sheet of neural tissue that is outer-most to the cerebrum of the mammalian brain.The cerebral cortex has been reported to be the biggest part of the brain.This large and complicated neural circuit is involved in most of the brain's highest functions, such as memory, language and sight.In man and higher animals, modifications of behaviour are due to cortical activity [1].It also integrates higher mental functions, general movement, visceral functions, and behavioural reactions.The cerebral cortex contains motor areas, which control complex motor skills and some involuntary movements; sensory areas, which receive information from the sense organs; and association areas, which are responsible for thought, learning language, and personality [2,3].
salacia reticulata,aqueous crude root extract,aluminium chloride induced damage,biochemical effects
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