
Угруповання жуків-турунів (Coleoptera, Carabidae) лісів комплексної зеленої зони міста Львова

В.І. Дєдусь, В.Б. Різун

Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету. Серія Біологія(2018)

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Study of insect communities is important in a context of determination of status of ecosystem conservation. Vynnyky forest park is situated between Mayorivka and Pasiky (eastern part of L’viv) and boundary of the Vynnyky town. The forest park area is 2799 hectares. It is located on hills of the L’viv Plateau and borders on the Lower Polissia and L’viv Opillia. Previously, the study of ground beetles’ species composition of the Vynnyky forest park was carried out by some authors: Zawadzki (1825), Lomnicki (1890, 1903, 1905, 1906), Nowicki (1858), Rizun, Khrapov (2001), Rizun, Dedus’ (2016). During 2015-2017 the fauna of ground beetles was investigated in the forest ecosystems of the L’viv greenbelt (the Vynnyky forest-park) by using the method of pit-fall Barber’s traps. Forty-six Carabidae species from 23 genera were been identified for the Vynnyky forest-park on the whole. The most diverse are genera Carabus and Pterostichus (7 species for everyone), and 3 species for each were registered for the genera Abax, Bembidion, Amara. The eudominant species are Carabus coriaceus Linnaeus 1758, Pterostichus oblongopunctatus Fabricius, 1787, Abax parallelus Duftschmid, 1812, Platynus assimilis Paykull, 1790. The dominant species are Pterostichus niger Schaller, 1783 and Carabus glabratus Paykull, 1790. The Carabidae beetles’ community of 90-100 year old alder forest (Site 1) has the highest indexes of species richness and diversity of compared to other sites. High indexes of leveling indices for beech forest community (Site 4) indicate about its typicality and proximity to the same communities in beech forests of the Ukrainian Carpathians and the Roztochia. In the study area according to life-forms of ground beetles the most numbered among zoophagous are: running epigeobionts, duff stratobionts and duff-ground stratobionts, but in the Site 1 they are surface-duff stratobionts, and digging geohortobionts are most numbered among mixophytophagous.
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