Employee Performance Assessment in a Large Enterprise

I Tarasova, N Asanova, O Avdeyuk

Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Far East Con" (ISCFEC 2020)Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research(2020)

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Employee performance assessment is a complex process which aims to identify the effectiveness of the staff's daily activity and to provide information that will help in decision-making. In this article, employee performance is viewed as a complex structure which is comprised of four criteria groups (qualification, staff morale, productivity, discipline). In its turn, each criterion is comprised of sub-criteria. We have developed an adaptable assessment structure that can be easily adjusted to the specific nature of any enterprise. We have used a convolution method to combine criteria into a generalized parameter. We suggest a methodology for employee performance assessment as well as an automated program. The suggested convolution of the staff performance criteria can be used in the systems for optimization and decision-making.
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Performance Measurement,Employee Development,Performance Improvement,Enterprise Collaboration,Virtual Enterprise
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