Impact of Anthropogenic Activities and Climate Variability on the Epidemiology of Malaria and Bilharziasis in Kaedi (Mauritania)

Kouadio K, Kone B, Sidibé M, Gbalegba G,Ba H, Ba O, Dahdi S, Chouaïbou M

Environmental epidemiology(2019)

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TPS 662: Climate change effects on labour, migration and infections, Exhibition Hall, Ground floor, August 28, 2019, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Malaria and bilharziasis are two vector-borne diseases that contribute significantly to the burden of disease in Africa. In Mauritania, while Malaria is epidemic, bilharziasis are more endemic, mainly in the southern part of the country. Understanding the anthropogenic and environmental factors affecting the epidemiology of the two diseases may lead to better control strategies. We assessed the impact of human activities and climate variability on the distribution of vectors and intermediate hosts of malaria and bilharziasis respectively, and their prevalence in Kaedi, located in southern Mauritania, along the Senegal River. Malacological and entomological cross sectional survey were conducted in rainy (September 2014) and dry (May 2015) seasons and during rice cultivation period (October-December 2015). The numbers of Malaria and Bilharziasis cases recorded at the main hospital of the city during the same periods were recorded. Recorded Malaria cases were 55, 20, 98 and 89 respectively during September 2014, May 2015, October 2015 and December 2015. The number of anopheles collected during the same months were respectively 15, 8, 984 and 120. For intestinal and urinary bilharziasis cases 2, 5, 12 and 6 were recorded. Among 157, 158, 481 and 487 molluscks collected during the respective periods, Bulinus forskalii, Bulinus truncatus and Bulinus senegalensis were intermediate host of Bilharziasis. Rice cultivation period appear to be the most at risk of Malaria and Bilharziasis due to irrigation and paddy areas. However more awareness on Sanitation and Hygiene is also needed to control and prevent the proliferation of vectors and intermediate hosts and thereby limit transmission.
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