
Need of Virtual Reality to Enrich Teacher Education

K Nachimuthu, A Revathi

Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities(2019)

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Virtual reality (VR) is a technology which allows a user to interact with a computer-simulated imaginary environment. Users can interact with a virtual environment through the keyboard and mouse or special devices. Virtual reality can be defined as an upcoming technology that makes users feel in a Virtual Environment (VE) by using computer hardware and software. VR provides a different way to see and experience information, one that is dynamic and immediate. This paper explains the different models of VR devices in the world. The aim of the research is to identify the level of awareness of virtual technology in the B.Ed college student-teachers in the Tamil Nadu State of India. A descriptive survey method to adopt and a total of 350 first year student-teachers from Seven B.Ed Colleges in and around Salem district of Tamil Nadu were selected by using simple random sampling technique. An awareness of virtual technology (AVT) tool with 0.89 reliability and known content validity was used. The calculated ‘t' value among student-teachers with respect to gender; mobile in the home; to having PC in the home; and net course already passed significantly differ at 0.05 level could be noticed as rejected these hypotheses. Whereas locality and type of college of education are accepted the hypothesis. Postgraduate qualified student teachers had better awareness than undergraduate qualified student-teachers. The author recommends the students may be encouraged to use the network in their home.
virtual reality,teacher,education
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