
White Collar Crimes : A Study in the Context of Classification, Causation and Preventive Measures

Contemporary social sciences(2018)

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Crime and punishment has its origin in antiquity. With the development of society, the nature of the crime also changed in different dimensions from common crimes to special crimes which remained unattended. The criminal jurisprudence while classifying the crimes from different parameters also uses the technique to differentiate the crimes and label them as ‘Blue Collar Crime’, ‘Red Collar Crime’ and ‘White Collar Crimes’. The blue collar crimes are the common crimes, while the red collar crime being coupled and tainted with blood. On the other hand white collar crime emerged with the advancement of society by a particular act or omission of an individual appears not to be a crime but is always tainted and painted with underline crimes in its concealed form usually related to economic offences of essential commodities food adulteration, money laundering and so on and so forth. The crime in its nature remains undetected from the general public and criminal justice administrators. The research topic takes care of different dimensions of white collar crime, their penalties too and investigating and adjudicating their models thereof, with emphasis or causation of such crimes and providing suggestive measures for a curative purpose. The topic is dealt on doctrinal methodology based on primary and secondary sources of data, analyzed on different research techniques for arriving at conclusion.
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