
Pamukkale Üniversitesi Hastanesi Dahili Tıp Bilimlerinde Çalışan Araştırma Görevlilerinin Akılcı İlaç Kullanımı Konusundaki Bilgi Ve Tutumları

Tıp eğitimi dünyası(2014)

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Background: The aim of the study was to determine the knowledge and attitudes towards rational use of drugs among medical residents working in Pamukkale University Hospital. Methods: This study is a cross-sectional study, was conducted in August 2013. The universe of the study is 165 medical residents working in Pamukkale University Hospital. Data was collected through a questionnaire which includes 51 questions to assess the knowledge and attitudes towards the rational use of drugs. Results: According to the results of the study, 28.8% of the participants described themselves “sufficient” on the topic of the rational use of drugs, whereas 10.6% of participants responded “insufficient” and another 60.6% of participants responded “partially sufficient”. And 62.9% of them wanted further education in Rational Using of Drugs. Percentage of the participations who stated that they explain their disease and causes to patients is 92.3%. The percentage of the participations who said ‘’I tell patients the reasons of treatment’’ is 88.0%. 84.6% of them stated that they give informations about prescribed medicine. The most common source of current information about drugs was internet. Conclusions: Rates of residents who find themselves sufficient were low in our study which we assessed in a third grade hospital. Therefore the residents need to be educated in the terms of Continuous Medical Education. This study revealed that doctors likely prefer internet and digital information sources as a tool of learning current information about drugs. For this reason internet usage in informing and education of Rational Use of Drugs is more appropriate.
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