Site U1450

C. France-Lanord, V. Spiess, A. Klaus,R.R. Adhikari,S.K. Adhikari, J.-J. Bahk,A.T. Baxter, J.W. Cruz,S.K. Das,P. Dekens, W. Duleba,L.R. Fox,A. Galy, V. Galy,J. Ge,J.D. Gleason,B.R. Gyawali,P. Huyghe,G. Jia, H. Lantzsch,M.C. Manoj, Y. Martos Martin, L. Meynadier,Y.M.R. Najman, A. Nakajima,C. Ponton,B.T. Reilly, K.G. Rogers,J.F. Savian, T. Schwenk,P.A. Selkin,M.E. Weber,T. Williams,K. Yoshida

Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program(2016)

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