
AP Computer Science Principles Performance Task

Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education(2016)

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The AP Computer Science Principles assessment model comprises two main components: 1) an end-of-course AP Exam (i.e., a paper-pencil, multiple choice questions); and 2) a through-course assessment that includes two (2) performance tasks in which students complete during class time. This workshop focuses on content and skills included in one of the through-course assessment performance tasks: Create -- Applications from Ideas. In this task, students are expected to collaborate with another student in the development process of writing a program, and because each student will submit her/his own program for AP scoring purposes, students are also expected to be able to continue working on their program individually. To obtain the knowledge and skills students will need to be successful with this performance task, students can consider practicing various possible ways to write programs individually and collaboratively. That said, teachers can support student success with this performance task by considering different ways to teach how to develop programs collaboratively (beyond Pair Programming). In this workshop, participants will experience different collaborative programming techniques to develop a program. This workshop is meant for programmers "from beginners to experts". In addition, participants will reflect on the collaborative process, thereby learning some of the essential knowledge and skills that students will need to obtain in order to successfully complete the Create performance task.
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