
Der Einfluß Von Schwangerschafts- Und Perinatologischen Parametern - Einschließlich Entbindungsmodus - Auf Die Überlebensrate „kleiner Frühgeborener“ (< 1500 G)

Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde(1991)

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A retrospective analysis of 225 very low birth weight infants (less than 1500 g) was made, to assess the influence of the mode of delivery on the survival rate. In 186 preterm deliveries which could not be prevented by therapeutic measures, we included additionally certain gestational and perinatological parameters. Generally, an average survival rate of 72% was found in this study. In addition to the well-known negative influence of birth weight less than 1000 g and gestational age of less than 28 weeks, such parameters as antenatal pre-pathological CTG findings, haemorrhages at the time of hospitalisation, and ineffectuousness of tocolytic drugs, were associated with a reduced survival rate. In contrast, the presence of anamnestic risk factors of preterm delivery and prolongation of gestation by one day and more improved the survival rate. Additional consideration of foetal presentation showed, that abdominal delivery was fundamentally safer in cases with breech and transverse presentation. Whether a higher survival rate can be achieved by vaginal delivery in cases of breech presentation with premature rupture of membranes or a gestational age greater or equal to 28 weeks, remains to be proved. A gestational age of less than 28 weeks or antenatal prepathological cardiotocographic findings will facilitate in future the decision to perform Cesarean section in cases of inevitable premature deliveries with cephalic presentation.
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