Fast and Accuracy-Preserving Domain Decomposition Methods for Reduced Fracture Models with Nonconforming Time Grids

Journal of Scientific Computing(2023)

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This paper is concerned with the numerical solution of compressible fluid flow in a fractured porous medium. The fracture represents a fast pathway (i.e., with high permeability) and is modeled as a hypersurface embedded in the porous medium. We aim to develop fast-convergent and accurate global-in-time domain decomposition (DD) methods for such a reduced fracture model, in which smaller time step sizes in the fracture can be coupled with larger time step sizes in the subdomains. Using the pressure continuity equation and the tangential PDEs in the fracture-interface as transmission conditions, three different DD formulations are derived; each method leads to a space-time interface problem which is solved iteratively and globally in time. Efficient preconditioners are designed to accelerate the convergence of the iterative methods while preserving the accuracy in time with nonconforming grids. Numerical results for two-dimensional problems with non-immersed and partially immersed fractures are presented to show the improved performance of the proposed methods.
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Key words
Domain decomposition,Reduced fracture model,Time-dependent Steklov-Poincare operator,Nonconforming time grids,Mixed formulations
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