TwHIN: Embedding the Twitter Heterogeneous Information Network for Personalized Recommendation

KDD '22: Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining(2022)

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Social networks, such as Twitter, form a heterogeneous information network (HIN) where nodes represent domain entities (e.g., user, content, advertiser, etc.) and edges represent one of many entity interactions (e.g, a user re-sharing content or "following" another). Interactions from multiple relation types can encode valuable information about social network entities not fully captured by a single relation; for instance, a user's preference for accounts to follow may depend on both user-content engagement interactions and the other users they follow. In this work, we investigate knowledge-graph embeddings for entities in the Twitter HIN (TwHIN); we show that these pretrained representations yield significant offline and online improvement for a diverse range of downstream recommendation and classification tasks: personalized ads rankings, account follow-recommendation, offensive content detection, and search ranking. We discuss design choices and practical challenges of deploying industry-scale HIN embeddings, including compressing them to reduce end-to-end model latency and handling parameter drift across versions.
twitter heterogeneous information network,embedding
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