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Effect of Maternal Immunization with 10-Valent Pneumococcus Conjugate Vaccine (PCV-10), 23-Valent Pneumococcus Polysaccharide Vaccine, or Placebo on the Immunogenicity of PCV-10 in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Exposed Uninfected Infants: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Clinical infectious diseases/Clinical infectious diseases (Online University of Chicago Press)(2022)

Cited 2|Views34
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Infants born to PCV-10 immunized mothers had lower antibody responses and seroprotection after the primary immunization with PCV-10 compared to infants born to PPV-23 or placebo recipients. Administration of PPV-23 may be preferred over PCV-10 in pregnant women with HIV. Background The effect of pneumococcal vaccination of mothers with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) on infant responses to childhood vaccination has not been studied. We compared the immunogenicity of 10-valent pneumococcus conjugate vaccine (PCV-10) in HIV-exposed uninfected infants born to mothers who received PCV-10, 23-valent pneumococcus polysaccharide vaccine (PPV-23), or placebo during pregnancy. Methods Antibody levels against 7 serotypes were measured at birth, before the first and second doses of PCV-10m and after completion of the 2-dose regimen in 347 infants, including 112 born to mothers who received PPV-23, 112 who received PCV-10, and 119 who received placebo during pregnancy. Seroprotection was defined by antibody levels >= 0.35 mu g/mL. Results At birth and at 8 weeks of life, antibody levels were similar in infants born to PCV-10 or PPV-23 recipients and higher than in those born to placebo recipient. After the last dose of PCV-10, infants in the maternal PCV-10 group had significantly lower antibody levels against 5 serotypes than those in the maternal PPV-23 group and against 3 serotypes than those in the maternal placebo group, and they did not have higher antibody levels against any serotype. The seroprotection rate against 7 serotypes was 50% in infants in the maternal PCV-10 group, compared with 71% in both of the maternal PPV-23 and placebo groups (P < .001). Conclusions Administration of PCV-10 during pregnancy was associated with decreased antibody responses to PCV-10 and seroprotection rates in infants. Considering that PCV-10 and PPV-23 had similar immunogenicity in pregnant women with HIV and that administration of PPV-23 did not affect the immunogenicity of PCV-10 in infants, PPV-23 in pregnancy may be preferred over PCV-10.
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HIV infection,maternal immunization,pneumococcal vaccine,infant,vaccine immunogenicity
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