
Non-targeted characterization of attributes affecting antibody-Fc gamma RIIIa V158 (CD16a) binding via online affinity chromatography-mass spectrometry


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Antibodies facilitate targeted cell killing by engaging with immune cells such as natural killer cells through weak binding interactions with Fc gamma receptors on the cell surface. Here, we evaluate the binding affinity of the receptor Fc gamma RIIIa V158 (CD16a) for several therapeutic antibody classes, isoforms, and Fc-fusion proteins using an immobilized receptor affinity liquid chromatography (LC) approach coupled with online mass spectrometry (MS) detection. Aglycosylated Fc gamma RIIIa was used in the affinity chromatography and compared with published affinities using glycosylated receptors. Affinity LC-MS differentiated the IgG1 antibodies primarily according to their Fc glycosylation patterns, with highly galactosylated species having greater affinity for the immobilized receptors and thus eluting later from the column (M5< G0F < G0 afucosylated congruent to G1F < G2F). Sialylated species bound weaker to their asialylated counterparts as reported previously. High mannose glycoforms bound weaker than G0F, contrary to previously published studies using glycosylated receptors. Also, increased receptor binding affinity associated with afucosylated antibodies was not observed with the aglycosylated Fc gamma RIIIa. This apparent difference from previous findings highlighted the importance of the glycans on the receptors for mediating stronger binding interactions. Characterization of temperature-stressed samples by LC-MS peptide mapping revealed over 200 chemical and post-translational modifications, but only the Fc glycans, deamidation of EU N325, and an unknown modification to either proline or cysteine residues of the hinge region were found to have a statistically significant impact on binding.
Fc gamma RIIIa, affinity chromatography, affinity liquid chromatography (Lc), mass spectrometry, antibody, Fc glycosylation, peptide mapping
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