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Long Non-Coding RNA MAGI2-AS3 Inactivates STAT3 Pathway to Inhibit Prostate Cancer Cell Proliferation Via Acting As a Microrna-424-5p Sponge.

Journal of Cancer(2022)

Jilin Univ

Cited 10|Views14
Aberrant expression of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) that results in sustained activation of cell growth promoting pathways is an important mechanism in driving prostate cancer progression. In the present study, we explored differentially expressed lncRNAs in two microarray datasets of prostate benign and malignant tissues. We found that MAGI2-AS3 was one of the most downregulated lncRNAs in prostate tumors, which was further confirmed in our collected clinical samples. The function assays showed that MAGI2-AS3 overexpression decreased cell viability and led to obvious cell apoptosis in PC-3 and DU145 prostate cancer cells. Elevation of MAGI2-AS3 decreased the activity of STAT3 in PC-3 and DU145. In addition, microRNA-424-5p (miR-424-5p), a positive regulator of STAT3 pathway, was predicted as a target of MAGI2-AS3, furthermore, the interaction between MAGI2-AS3 and miR-424-5p was confirmed via reverse-transcript polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), dual luciferase reporter assay and RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP). MAGI2-AS3 upregulated miR-424-5p and downregulated COP1 in PC-3 and DU145. More importantly, IL6-induced activation of STAT3 pathway could attenuate the biological effect of MAGI2-AS3 in PC-3 and DU145. In clinical samples, MAGI2-AS3 levels were negatively correlated with miR-424-5p expression, while positively correlated with COP1 mRNA expression. Altogether, the current study revealed MAGI2-AS3 as a novel negative regulator of prostate cancer development.
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Key words
MAGI2-AS3,prostate cancer,miR-424-5p,STAT3
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要点】:本研究发现长链非编码RNA MAGI2-AS3通过作为microrna-424-5p的海绵体抑制STAT3通路,进而抑制前列腺癌细胞增殖,揭示了MAGI2-AS3作为前列腺癌发展的新型负调控因子。


实验】:在PC-3和DU145前列腺癌细胞系中,通过RT-qPCR、双荧光素酶报告实验和RNA免疫沉淀(RIP)等技术验证MAGI2-AS3与microrna-424-5p的相互作用,并使用临床样本进行分析。实验结果证实MAGI2-AS3的表达水平与microrna-424-5p表达负相关,与COP1 mRNA表达正相关。