Verrucous carcinoma arising from actinic keratosis: a case report.

Archives of craniofacial surgery(2021)

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Verrucous carcinoma (VC) is a rare subtype of squamous cell carcinoma that commonly occurs in the oral cavity. However, VC of the facial skin is relatively rare. We report a case of a 91-year-old woman with VC of the facial skin in the left zygoma area. She was diagnosed with actinic keratosis (4 × 3 cm) of the same site approximately 12 years previously, but declined further treatment. The mass was excised with a minimum of 0.4 cm from gross margins with the result of free from tumor of all margins by frozen section, allowing for primary closure after skin undermining. Basal resection was performed in the preplatysmal plane. The diagnosis of VC was confirmed by histopathological examination. Postoperatively, the wound healed without incident and with no signs of facial nerve injury. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of VC of facial skin arising from actinic keratosis.
Actinic keratosis,Case reports,Face,Skin,Squamous cell carcinoma,Verrucous carcinoma
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