
Rural Special Education Quarterly(1987)

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Author Title ePrint Jose Beltrán Jiménez, Lavinia Heisenberg and Tomi S. Koivisto Coi cident General Relativity 1710.03116 All info Jose Beltrán Jiménez, Lavinia Heisenberg, Gonzalo J. Olmo and Diego Rubiera-Garcia On gravitatio al waves in Born-Infeld i spired non-singular cosmologies 1707.08953 All info Pradipta Ghosh, Inaki Lara, Daniel E. Lopez-Fogliani, Carlos Munoz, Roberto Ruiz de Austri Searching for left sneutrino LSP at the LHC 1707.02471 All i fo MAGIC Collaboration A cut-off in the TeV gamma-ray spectrum of the SNR Cassiopeia A 1707.01583 All info M. L. Ahnen, S. Ansoldi, L. A. Antonelli, et al. MAGIC obs rvations of the microquasar V404 Cygni during the 2015 outburst 1707.00887 All info De Franco, Andrea; Inoue, Yoshiyuki; Sánchez-Conde, Miguel A.; Cotter, Garret Cherenkov telescope array extragalactic survey discov ry potential and the impact of axion-like particles and secondary gamma rays 1707.00250 A l info J. A. R. Cembranos, A. L. Maroto, H. Villarrubia-Rojo Constraints on hidden gravitons from fifth-force experiments and stellar energy loss 1706.07818 All in J. Amaré, J. Castel, S. Cebrián, I. Coarasa, C. Cuesta, T. Dafni, J. Galán, E. García, J.G. Garza, F.J. Iguaz, I.G. Irastorza, G. Luzón, M. Martínez, H. Mirallas, M.A. Oliván, Y. Ortigoza, A. Ortiz de Solórzano, J. Puimedón, E. Ruiz-Chóliz, M.L. Sarsa, J.A. Villar, P. Villar. Cosmogenic p oduction of tritium in dark matter detectors 1706.05818 All info Luis E. Ibanez, Victor Martin-Lozano, Irene Valenzuela Co straini g N utrino Mass s, the Cosmological Constant and BSM Physics from the Weak Gravity Conjecture 1706.05392 All inf Giorgio Arcadi, Pradipta Ghosh, Yann Mambrini, Mathias Pierre, Farinaldo S. Queiroz Z′ p rtal to Chern-Simons Dark Matte 1706.04198 All info ANTARES CollaborationFirst all-flavour Neutrino Point-like Source Search with the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope 1706.01857 All info V. Gammaldi, E. V. Karukes, P. Salucci Prospects for dark matter detection in dwarf irregular galaxies with gamma rays 1706.01843 All info Balázs, Csaba; Conrad, Jan; Farmer, Ben; Jacques, Thomas; Li, Tong; Meyer, Manuel; Queiroz, Farinaldo S.; Sánchez-Conde, Miguel A. Se sitivity of th Cherenkov elescope Array to the Detection of a Dark Matter Signal in comparis to Direct Detection and Collider Experiments 1706.01505 All inf MAGIC Collaboration Observation of the Black Widow B1957+20 millisecond pulsar binary system with the MAGIC telescopes 1706.01378 All info M. Masip High energy neutrinos from the Sun 1706.01290 All info Henning Bahl, Sven Heinemeyer, Wolfgang Hollik, Georg Weiglein R conciling EFT and hybrid calculations of the light MSSM Higgs-boson mass 1706.00346 Al in o Jong Soo Kim, Manuel E. Krauss, Victor Martin-Lozano Probing the Electroweakino Sector of General Gauge Mediation at the LHC 1705.06497 All i fo V.I. Afonso, Cecilia Bejarano, Jose Beltrán Jiménez, Gonzalo J. Olmo and Emanuele Orazi The trivial rol of torsion in projective invariant theories of gravity with non-minimally coupled matter fields 1705.03806 All info Noam I Libeskind, Rien van de Weygaert, Marius Cautun, et al. Tr cing th cosmic web1705.03021 A l info M. Cermeño, M. A. Pérez-García, R. A. Lineros Enh nced stellar utrino emissivities in annihilating Coy Dark Matter 1705.03012 All info J.A. Aguilar-Saavedra, D.E. López-Fogliani, C. Muñoz Novel signatures for vector-like quarks 1705.02526 All info T.Hassan, ..., A. Moralejo et al Monte Carlo Performance Studies for the Site Selection of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 1705.01790 All info A. Albert, M. André, M. Anghinolfi, G. Anton, M. Ardid et al. New C nstraints all flavour G actic diffuse neutrino emission with the ANTARES telescope 1705.00497 All in o Antonio D. Montero-Dorta, Enrique Perez, Francisco Prada, Sergio Rodriguez-Torres, Ginevra Favole, Anatoly Klypin, et al. Observational vidence of galaxy ss mbly bias 1705.00013 All info S. Heinemeyer, C. Schappacher Ch rgino and Neutralino Production at e+eColliders in the Complex MSSM: A Full One-Loop Analysis 1704.07627 All info I. Coarasa, J. Amaré, S. Cebrián, C. Cuesta, E. García, M. Martínez, M.A. Oliván, Y. Ortigoza, A. Ortiz de Solórzano, J. Puimedón, M.L. Sarsa, J.A. Villar, P. Villar Annual modulation of dark matter: the ANAIS-112 case 1704.06861 All i fo A. Celis, J. Fuentes-Martin, A. Vicente, J. Virto DsixTools: th standard model effective field theory toolkit 1704.04504 All info The CTA Consortium Prospects for CTA observations of the young SNR RX J1713.7-3946 1704.04136 All info Jose Beltán Jiménez, Lavinia Heisenberg, Gonzalo J. Olmo and Diego Rubiera-Garcia Born-Infeld inspired modifications f gravity 1704 03351 All info Giorgio Arcadi, Manfred Lindner, Yann Mambrini, Mathias Pierre, Farinaldo S. Queiroz GUT Models at Current and Future Hadron Colliders and Implications to Dark Matter Searches 1704.02328 All info MAGIC Collaboration Performance of the MAGIC telescopes under moonlight 1704.00906 All i fo J.M. Carceller, J.I. Illana, M. Masip, D. Meloni Origin of the high-energy neutrino flux at IceCube 1703.10786 All info C. Hati, S. Patra, M. Reig, J.W.F. Valle, C.A. Vaquera-Araujo Towards gauge coupling nification in left-right symmetric SU(3)c x SU(3)L x SU(3)R x U(1)X theories 1703.09647 A l info C. Arbelaez, M. Hirsch, D. Restrepo Fermionic triplet dark matter in an SO(10)-inspired left right model 1703.08148 All info M. L. Ahnen (1), S. Ansoldi (2,25), L. A. Antonelli (3), et al. First Multi-wavele gth Campaign on the Gamma-ray-loud Active Galaxy IC 31
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