Lithium Wall Conditioning Techniques in ADITYA-U Tokamak for Impurity and Fuel Control
K. A. Jadeja,J. Ghosh,Nandini Yadava,K. M. Patel,Kiran Patel,R. L. Tanna,R. Manchanda,M. B. Chowdhuri,J. Raval,U. C. Nagora, B. G. Arambhadiya,Tanmay Macwan,K. Singh,S. Dolui,Minsha Shah,Sharvil Patel,N. Ramaiya,Kajal Shah,B. K. Shukla,Suman Aich,Rohit Kumar,V. K. Panchal, Manoj Kumar,P. K. Atrey,S. K. Pathak,Rachana Rajpal, Kumudni Assudani, M. Gopalakrishna,Devilal Kumawat,M. N. Makwana,K. S. Shah,Shivam Gupta,C. N. Gupta,V Balakrishnan,P. K. Chattopadhyay,B. R. Kataria Nuclear fusion(2021)
Key words
lithium wall conditioning,plasma facing components,tokamak
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