
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

D. Grahame-Smith,G. T. Tucker,L. E. Ramsay, Baber, D. B. Barnett, E. Begg, F. Bochner,M. J. Brodie, A. Cohen, J. G. Collier, R. E. Ferner, S. H. D. Jackson, G. Edwards, M. Eichelbaum, H. Elliott, M. Feely, J. D. Harry,P. R. Jackson, B. Lipworth,M. S. Lennard,G. T. McInnes, P. A. Meredith,G. D. Murray, W. Nimmo, B. K. Park, J. Posner, T. Pullar,J. M. Ritter,P. C. Waller, P. C. Rubin, M. A. Simmonds, A. D. Struthers, K. L. Woods

British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology(2013)

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British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology is published monthly by Blackwell Science Ltd for the British Pharmacological Society. Papers on all aspects of drug action in man will be considered for publication. Manuscripts (four copies) and editorial correspondence should be addressed to The Editorial Secretary, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 25 John Street, London WC1N 2BL (telephone no. 071 404 4101, fax 071 831 6745). Papers are assumed to have been submitted exclusively to the journal as they become copyright on acceptance for publication. Submissions should be accompanied by a letter from the corresponding author stating that all co-authors have seen the paper and, satisfied with the content, have approved its submission to the Journal. For detailed information see 'Instructions to Authors' at the front of each issue.
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