
The Relation Of Leader Member Exchange With Nurses Performance at Haji Hospital Makassar


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Background: Performance, which is a world issue, becomes a reference for the consequences of community demands on the need for excellent service or with quality services. The performance of nurses at the Haji Makassar Hospital is still relatively low at 82.8%, still below the standard of the 2010 Indonesian National Nurses Association, which is 100%. This is a problem in terms of nursing at the Haji Hospital of Makassar City in 2020, so researchers need to examine the performance of nurses in hospitals. Aim: This study aims to determine the relationship of leader member exchange (lmx) with the performance of nurses at Haji Hospital Makassar City. Method: The type of research used is quantitative research with descriptive research design with a total sample of 128 nurses obtained through sampling techniques with saturated samples or census techniques. This research was conducted at the Haji Hospital of Makassar City in March 2021. The test used was the Chi-Square test. Results: The results of this study indicate that there is a significant relationship between affection, loyalty, contribution and appreciation of professionalism to the performance of nurses as indicated by the significance value of the results of data analysis. Conclusion: The conclusion in this study is that there is a relationship between affection, loyalty, contribution and appreciation of professionalism to the performance of nurses at Haji Hospital Makassar City.
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