CVR-2020-1310 Single-cell RNA-seq profiling of mouse endothelial cells in response to pulmonary arterial hypertension
Citation for published version: Rodor, J, Chen, SH, Scanlon, JP, Monteiro, JP, Caudrillier, A, Sweta, S, Ross Stewart, K, Shmakova, A, Dobie, R, Henderson, BEP, Stewart, K, Hadoke, PWF, Southwood, M, Moore, SD, Upton, PD, Morrell, NW, Li, Z, Chan, SY, Handen, A, Lafyatis, R, de Rooij, LPMH, Henderson, NC, Carmeliet, P, Spiroski, A-M, Brittan, M & Baker, AH 2021, 'Single-cell RNA-seq profiling of mouse endothelial cells in response to pulmonary arterial hypertension', Cardiovascular Research.
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