
Evidence for the Decay Ωc0→π+Ω(2012)−→

Y. Li,S. S. Tang,S. Jia,C. P. Shen,I. Adachi,H. Aihara,S. Al Said,D. M. Asner, H. Atmacan,V. Aulchenko,T. Aushev,R. Ayad,V. Babu,Seema Bahinipati,P. K. Behera,M. Bessner,T. Bilka,Jyoti Prakash Biswal,A. Bożek,M. Bračko,P. Branchini,T. E. Browder,A. Budano,M. Campajola,D. Červenkov,M.-C. Chang,P. Chang,V. Chekelian,A. Chen,B. G. Cheon,K. Chilikin,H. E. Cho,K. Cho,S.-J. Cho,Y. Choi,Somnath Choudhury,D. Cinabro,S. Cunliffe,Souvik Das,N. Dash,G. De Nardo,G. De Pietro,F. Di Capua,Zdeněk Doležal,T. V. Dong,D. Epifanov,T. Ferber,B. G. Fulsom,Rocky Bala Garg,V. Gaur,A. Giri,P. Goldenzweig,B. Golob,E. Graziani,T. Gu,K. Gudkova,C. Hadjivasiliou,S. Halder,K. Hayasaka,H. Hayashii,W.-S. Hou,K. Inami,A. Ishikawa,M. Iwasaki,Y. Iwasaki,W. W. Jacobs,E.-J. Jang,Y. Jin,K. K. Joo, K. H. Kang,G. Karyan,C. Kiesling,C. H. Kim,D. Y. Kim,K.-H. Kim,S. H. Kim,Y.-K. Kim,K. Kinoshita,Peter Kodyš,T. Konno,A. Korobov,S. Korpar,E. Kovalenko,P. Kriz̆an,R. Kroeger,P. Krokovny,T. Kuhr,Mintu Kumar,K. Kumara,A. Kuzmin,Y.-J. Kwon,K. Lalwani,M. Laurenza,S. C. Lee,C. H. Li,L. K. Li,L. Li Gioi,J. Libby,K. Lieret,D. Liventsev,M. Masuda,T. Matsuda,D. Matvienko,J. McNeil,M. Merola,K. Miyabayashi,R. Mizuk,Gagan Bihari Mohanty, Takashi Mori,R. Mussa,M. Nakao,Z. Natkaniec,A. Natochii,L. Nayak,M. Nayak,M. Niiyama,N. K. Nisar,S. Nishida,K. Nishimura,H. Ono,Y. Onuki,P. Oskin,P. Pakhlov,G. Pakhlova,S. Pardi,S.-H. Park,A. Passeri,S. Paul,T. K. Pedlar,R. Pestotnik,L. E. Piilonen,T. Podobnik,V. Popov,E. Prencipe,M. T. Prim,N. Rout,G. Russo,Deepak Kumar Sahoo,Y. Sakai,S. Sandilya,A. Sangal,L. Šantelj,T. Sanuki,V. Savinov,G. Schnell,C. Schwanda,Y. Seino,K. Senyo,M. Shapkin,C. Sharma, V. Shebalin,J.-G. Shiu,A. Sokolov, E. Solovieva,M. Starič,Z. S. Stottler,M. Sumihama,T. Sumiyoshi,W. Sutcliffe,M. Takizawa,K. Tanida, F. Tenchini,K. Trabelsi,M. Uchida,T. Uglov,Y. Unno,Kenta Uno,S. Uno,Y. Usov,S. Vahsen,R. van Tonder,G. Varner,A. Vinokurova,E. Waheed,C. H. Wang,E. Wang,M.-Z. Wang,P. Wang,S. Watanuki,O. Werbycka,E. Won,B. Yabsley,W. B. Yan,S. B. Yang,Huayuan Ye,J. Yelton,J. H. Yin,C. Z. Yuan,Y. Yusa,Z. P. Zhang,V. Zhilich,V. Zhukova

Physical review D/Physical review D(2021)

引用 3|浏览13
Using a data sample of 980~fb$^{-1}$ collected with the Belle detector operating at the KEKB asymmetric-energy $e^+e^-$ collider, we present evidence for the $\Omega(2012)^-$ in the resonant substructure of $\Omega_{c}^{0} \to \pi^+ (\bar{K}\Xi)^{-}$ ($(\bar{K}\Xi)^{-}$ = $K^-\Xi^0$ + $\bar{K}^0 \Xi^-$) decays. The significance of the $\Omega(2012)^-$ signal is 4.2$\sigma$ after considering the systematic uncertainties. The ratio of the branching fraction of $\Omega_{c}^{0} \to \pi^{+} \Omega(2012)^- \to \pi^+ (\bar{K}\Xi)^{-}$ relative to that of $\Omega_{c}^{0} \to \pi^{+} \Omega^-$ is calculated to be 0.220 $\pm$ 0.059(stat.) $\pm$ 0.035(syst.). The individual ratios of the branching fractions of the two isospin modes are also determined, and found to be ${\cal B}(\Omega_{c}^0 \to \pi^+ \Omega(2012)^-) \times {\cal B}(\Omega(2012)^- \to K^-\Xi^0)/{\cal B}(\Omega_{c}^0 \to \pi^+ K^- \Xi^0)$ = (9.6 $\pm$ 3.2(stat.) $\pm$ 1.8(syst.))\% and ${\cal B}(\Omega_{c}^0 \to \pi^+ \Omega(2012)^-) \times {\cal B}(\Omega(2012)^- \to \bar{K}^0 \Xi^-)/{\cal B}(\Omega_{c}^0 \to \pi^+ \bar{K}^0 \Xi^-)$ = (5.5 $\pm$ 2.8(stat.) $\pm$ 0.7(syst.))\%.
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