
a ) Machine Aided Translation / Machine Translation 5 . 6 . 1

Bharati,Amba P Kulkarni, Vineet, Chaitanya,Rajeev Sangal, G. Umamaheshwara, Rao, M Dipti, Sharma,Shachi Dave, Jignashu Parikh, Pushpak, Bhattacharya


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The anusaaraka system makes text in one Indian language accessible in another Indian language. In the anusaaraka approach, the load is so divided between man and computer that the language load is taken by the machine, and the interpretation of the text is left to the man. The machine presents an image of the source text in a language close to the target language. In the image, some constructions of the source language (which do not have equivalents) spill over to the output. Some special notation is also devised. The user after some training learns to read and understand the output. Because the Indian languages are close, the learning time of the output language is short, and is expected to be around 2 weeks. The output can also be post-edited by a trained user to make it grammatically correct in the target language. Style can also be changed, if necessary. Thus, in this scenario, it can function as a human assisted translation system. Currently, anusaarakas are being built from Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Bengali and Punjabi to Hindi. They can be built for all Indian languages in the near future. Everybody must pitch in to build such systems connecting all Indian languages, using the free software model. 5.6.2 Language Access Bharati, Akshar, Amba P Kulkarni, Vineet Chaitanya, Rajeev Sangal, An Information Based Approach, Knowledge-Based Computer Systems, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, Dec. 2000.
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