Title: Eligible COPD patients and access to pulmonary rehabilitation in a Portuguese region


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Background: Poor access to pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) of COPD patients due to lack of specialized centres and professionals is a concerning reality in Portugal and worldwide (Santos A.C. et al., 2018). PR’s positive effects on controlling the disease and improving the patient’s health condition, emphasize the importance of improving access to PR (GOLD, 2021). This study, conducted in a region of the North of Portugal aimed to assess the number of patients that meet the criteria for PR, envisioning the development of new PR offers. Method: We conducted an observational analytical and cross-sectional study using a random sample, with a 95% confidence interval and a margin of error of 5%. This region clinical records show a total of 2,818 COPD patients. Data were accessed through electronic health records following all ethical research standards. Results: We analysed the electronic health records of 339 COPD patients. The data revealed a significant number of COPD patients who needed but had no access to PR. Conclusion: This study emphasized the need to develop new solutions that increase COPD patients’ accessibility to PR in different health contexts. Rehabilitation and respiratory nurses play a key role in addressing this vital issue. References: Santos AC, Barreto C, Barata F, Froes F, Carvalho I, Pité I, et al. 13 º Relatório do Observatório Nacional das Doenças Respiratórias. Obs Nac das doenças Respir [Internet]. 2018; 45. Available from: https://www.ondr.pt/files/Relatorio_ONDR_2018.pdf Gold: Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - 2021 report. 2021
COPD - management, COPD, Nursing care
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