
Effects of medicinal plants in West Kalimantan Indonesia to prevent the damage of human colon epithelial FPCK-1-1 cells and regulate the levels of blood glucose and triacylglycerol of db/db mice


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The purpose of this study is to analyze the anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic effects of several plants that are used by Dayak people to ameliorate diarrhea, stomachache, and diabetes in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. The plants species examined are Durio dulcis, Durio kutejensis, Parkia timoriana, Parkia speciosa, Dracontomelon dao, and Baccaurea costulata. Methanol extracts from wood barks were analyzed in term of prevention of the damage of FPCK-1-1 human colon epithelial cells and anti-diabetic effects on BKS.Cg-+ Lepr db / + Lepr db /Jcl (db/db) mice. Extracts from P. speciosa and D. dao effectively prevented the decrease of transepithelial electrical resistance of human colon epithelial FPCK-1-1 cells caused by the co-culture with PMA-stimulated THP-1 cells three days after starting the co-culture. Both of these extracts induced FPCK-1-1 cells to produce mucopolysaccharides. D. dulcis, P. timoriana and P. speciosa effectively decreased the level of blood glucose of db/db mice in the maltose loading test. After four weeks of oral administration, P. timoriana, P. speciosa and D. dao significantly decreased the level of blood glucose. Although mice administered with extracts from P. timoriana or P. speciosa consumed less food than those administered with acarbose, there was no significant difference in body weight among groups four weeks after starting administration. D. dulcis and P. speciosa significantly reduced triacylglycerol. We found that methanol extracts from wood barks of D. dulcis, P. timoriana, P. speciosa and D. dao have both activities to prevent the damage of FPCK-1-1 human colon epithelial cells and downregulate the level of blood glucose of db/db mice.
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