
Calculation of coronary artery non-invasive blood flow reserve fraction based on combination of digital and analog

Chenglan Wang,Zirong Wang,Guo Xie, Haitao Duan,Jing Yang

2021 36th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC)(2021)

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In view of the clinical status of the evaluation of functional coronary stenosis that requires invasive surgery to determine the fractional flow reserve (FFR), this study aims to use an in vitro non-invasive detection method, which uses computer tomography to obtain two-dimensional CT images of patients, uses fluid dynamics simulation methods to establish patient-specific models in vitro, and then performs hemodynamic values on the patient's real blood flow. Analyze and explore the relationship between different hemodynamic parameters and coronary artery stenosis, non-invasively calculate the blood flow reserve score to assess the degree of coronary artery stenosis lesions, and dig out hidden data. A total of 3 patients with real CT data whose image quality meets the modeling requirements were included in the study. After calculation, the noninvasive blood flow reserve fraction of each stenosis site was obtained. SPSS software was used to analyze the calculated value of the model and the blood flow reserve fraction measured at each stenosis site, and the Pearson correlation coefficient of the two was. 1. Meanwhile, the dynamic changes of the stenosis can be obtained by analyzing the main parameters of hemodynamics.This study shows that the method of evaluating coronary stenosis lesions using fluid mechanics non-created model has a good correlation with the measured blood flow reserve (FFR) during angiography, which can provide an important reference for clinical diagnosis and greatly reduce the pain that patients need to bear during surgery.
Coronary artery,stenosis,hydrodynamics,noninvasive,blood flow reserve
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